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Take the next step...

Find an Agent!

Helping you chase your dreams

Got big dreams? We are here to help you chase them. Check out this database we've put together showcasing a range of acting, TV and commercial agents in NSW. 


Many of Australia’s most famous performers started out as average kids from regular families. What made them great was their passion and persistence. If you want to succeed in the creative industries you have to be ready to chase opportunities. No-one can ‘make’ you a star. Ultimately, it is up to you. But there are many helpful resources out there to get you started.


We work hard to support our creative community and inspire our students. So, we’ve done our homework and put together a database of agents in NSW. But before you jump into it, don't forget... 


A few helpful tips


Parents are the most important support network to help students to take up exciting opportunities and ensure that the child’s best interest always come first. 


Before submitting yourself for representation, make sure to consider the pros and cons of the acting industry, and undertake significant research on each talent agency to gauge the best fit. This can include browsing websites, reading FAQs, or speaking with them over the phone.


Be knowledgeable about where actors fit into the whole casting process.


Familiarise yourself with the following terms so that you approach any agency meeting with confidence:


Talent: The actor (so, you / your child) 


Commission: The percentage of your payment that your Talent Agent will receive for having found the job. Normally 10-20%.


Membership Fees: The upfront or yearly fee payable to the Talent Agent to organise your photos and online casting profiles etc. Note: not all agencies charge membership fees.




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